United Pattaya Ci01 (2014)


urban, female, frame chrome-molybdenum steel, wheels 26", rigid fork, transmission with external switching 7 atk., rear brake rim mechanical

General information (United Pattaya Ci01 (2014))
Release date on the market 2014
Class city
Women's bike
Teenage bike
Frame (United Pattaya Ci01 (2014))
Frame material chrome-molybdenum steel
Frame type open
Foldable frame
Rear shock
Frame color blue
Plug (United Pattaya Ci01 (2014))
The plug type hard
Transmission (United Pattaya Ci01 (2014))
Sprocket rear
Drive type chain
Transmission type with external switch
Number of speeds 7
The number of stars in the system 1
The number of stars in the cassette 7
Brakes (United Pattaya Ci01 (2014))
Front brake V-brake
Type front brake rim mechanical
Rear brake V-brake
Type rear brakes rim mechanical
Wheels (United Pattaya Ci01 (2014))
The diameter of the wheels 26 "
Tread pattern polyline
The wheel (United Pattaya Ci01 (2014))
Steering type with the rise
Gipsy normal
Saddle (United Pattaya Ci01 (2014))
Type saddle comfortable
Pedal (United Pattaya Ci01 (2014))
Type pedals platform
Trim (United Pattaya Ci01 (2014))
Front flap
Back shield
Protection circuit partial
The trunk
Rear view mirror
Bell or horn
Basket front
Depreciation saddle spring
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